How to buy Presale

1. From home page, access "TONlaunch" or the following link to all launchpads:

2. You can filter the presale statuses by selecting from the "Filter By" list. You only can buy a presale with the “In progress” status.

3. Hover over a presale you want and click on “View Pool”.

4. After clicking on “View”, you can see all the information related to that presale. You should check everything carefully before buying.

5. To buy the presale, insert the amount of TON that you want to use to buy in the “Amount” section. The corresponding amount of presale tokens will be calculated automatically below the BNB amount. Finally, click on the “Buy” button.

6. TON wallet will now ask you to confirm the transaction. It will also show you the fee that you are required to pay for that transaction. If you agree, then click on the “Confirm” button to finish the process.

Last updated